Tuesday, August 26, 2014


I am a creature of habit, I am not found of change, I like things just so. I guess I would make a good factory worker because I like knowing what I will be doing everyday and for how long. Some would say that’s dull, but is sort of keeps me on track of what I need to get done for the day.

It’s the last week in August and here in the North East of New England the season is starting to change, my post orders have changed, my health insurance has changed and yesterday I was told that soon my living arrangements and address will be changing. I think I have all the changes I care to handle, about the only additional change I would welcome at this point is the changing of my oil for my car.

 I am not usually too serious on my entries, I don’t think folks like to read such things, they like to be entertained and read stuff that is uplifting not have a “Debby Downer” moment, I guess I was just overwhelmed and wanted to type it out through the blog instead of yapping out loud.

 So what else can I say that may interest you? Yesterday I wrangled a snake from a baby stroller. Folks here thought it was a copperhead, but I say the colors were not quite correct. I believe it was a North American Water snake. Feisty little bugger, he did not want to leave his new home, but with a little convincing he was evicted from his new domestic domicile, back to the wilds of Blue Hills reservation.

To end on a high note here are a couple of photos of him before I picked him up a second time to protect him from any human in the parking area.


Thanks for reading

The Cosmic Mish Mash

Friday, August 22, 2014

Wine and cheese night

  Well this past weekend we had ugly sweater and wine and cheese night, followed by adult game night.

 Kristen our land based cruise director did a great job of organizing the event. I however I don’t drink wine and some of the cheeses looked odd so I passed on that, and because I prefer ugly Hawaiian shirts to ugly sweaters I passed on the sweaters, man sounds like I am a fuddy duddy!


 Seeing how most of us do not see each other at Christmas time Kristen thought the ugly sweater theme would be fun, there were some real ugly ones there and of course my ugly Hawaiian and we had set up a photo booth.

 Kristen came up with some adult games and all had a great time. I wish I could say more about the weekend event, but I was only there part of the time which is a shame because we all have a good time together.


It’s a down weekend next weekend so we shall see what we come up with for fun.

See you next time

Fitzy: Legion of Decency Retired

Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Words mean nothing

 We all have done it at some point sang along with a song, or should I say mumbled words kind of quietly is more like it, to a song, until that one part in the song we do know and then we sing out like we knew all the words the whole time.

  I wish I could say I only have had that happen to one song, but NO it has happened more than a few times and mostly and the worst part is that it is to the same three songs, I wish I could say I am smart enough to learn the word to those three songs, but for some reason, even after I have looked up the lyrics or have been corrected on the words I still mess them up.

What song is it that you mess up the words or don’t know the words to and still sing along to it? Let me know I really would like to have others sound in on this we can keep a running tab and help each other out, maybe have a group gather for a meeting … Lyric Abusers Anonymous or even M.A. Mumbles Anonymous… Hello My Name is Fitzy, and I am a Song Mumbler . . .  Hi Fitzy!

 My Three songs are: RUSH-Lime Light, James Brown’s Livin’ in America and Manfred Man’s Earth band’s Blinded by the light

 If you are not familiar with these 3 songs click the link below and check them out on my YouTube page.
The playlist is "Words mean nothing"

Happy Singing

See you next time!

Fitzy: Legion of Decency Retired

Monday, August 11, 2014


So as some of you may know August is always a busy month for me and my band of little misfits, along with our feisty and fearless leader Kristen we have some sort of event every weekend in August, The first weekend (last weekend) was the Annual Pig Roast, This weekend we presented our little corner of the world our version of Tailgating. This event used to call Sausage-Fest.

 This year the idea was to make it more fun by making it feel like you are tailgating at a Sporting event or a concert. We had Beanbag games, music and we cooked hand cut French fries, sweet and spicy sausage, peppers and onions and Ice cold beer on Tap. As usual a fun time was had by all the mammals that showed up.

 We served 2 pounds of onion, 4 pounds of peppers, about 72 sausages and 80 people. I wish more folks had shown up, but we still had fun cooking for everyone and our fearless leader is a good organizer.

 Here are a few highlights of the Tailgating (Sausage-Fest) Event.

Next Week it is Thanksgiving on Thursday and then on Saturday it is The Adult Wine and Cheese and ugly sweater competition Game night, should be good for a few laughs and a few hangovers.


Tuesday, August 5, 2014

Pig Roast 2014

Well we have just had our annual pig roast at camp, and as usual we had a great time.

 The Pig Roast was awesome we had Pig of course; the pig weighed in at 269 pounds and took around 12  hours to smoke/cook over cherry wood. Along with the pork we had, Hamburgers, homemade Potato salad, Cowboy beans and homemade Cole slaw, corn on the cob, water, ice tea and a nice ice cold beer on tap. We fed 120 people in just 20 minutes

 Besides myself  we had our pork chain gang boss Kristen, Janice, Matt, Kenny, Chris, Kemsen and last but not least the Pig Master General Dan aka Danimal and his dynamic duo henchmen of pork not to mention the king of corn Chris.

 Music filled the air, we filled their plates and food filled their bellies, a grand time was had by all, except the pig of course.

So as I sit here a day or 2 later still tasting the excellent smoked pork I will share with you some of the photos from this year’s big Pig event.

See you next time and thanks for stopping in.
