Sunday, November 22, 2015

SuperMegafest or Bust

 Well it has come and sad to say I was not able to do more than one day due to a family situation, But My favorite local Fan convention has hit town and Bob and I set out on our 7th #Supermegafest adventure.

 The event staff and the Cosplay actors and actresses have gone all out as always. There were some great charities there, Toys for Tots (#toysfortots), 

Autism Speaks (#AutismSpeaks). 
 We had plenty of photo ops, spoke to some celebrities I even met the author of on of my favorite music books Psychedelic Bubble Gum; Bobby Hart. I got to shake his hand and speak with him, it is not often you get to speak to a writer you enjoy and the things he has done and seen are amazing.

 The vendors had great offerings and after chatting with some comic book folks I know that if the market was a tad bit better I could buy a house with what I own, but will I part with it...Hmmm tune in to find out...LOL 
  At one point Bob and I head into a bar on the first floor and sit and have a beer and who is at the bar? Thor!!! How many of you can say that you shared a drink in a bar with a super hero from Asgard?

 We spent the whole day there and even got to take part in the Cosplay photo shoot, these guys put a great a bit of time, effort and money as well as pride into their work/hobby one highlight was Night-crawler the Pirates and Walter White played by Todd Zavorskas aka ,
Hell Girl 

was another great costume as was the King Pin and Classic Batman as well as the Keaton Batman on his Bat phone. one last highlight for me was the Ghost rider cosplay costume... well done I am sorry that I did not get most of the actors information to share their hard work, they were all so busy I was just lucky to get a photo. If your interested in seeing for than what I have to offer or a list of celebrities go on over to
 We had a Great Time . . . I took over 168 photos, so here is a small sample to share with you all.
  Thanks to all that made it a great day!
how does one prepare for Megafest

on rout to megafest

doing our part to cure Autism

great costume

Bat Texting?


Batman Classic

Goonies for ever

Wednesday, October 7, 2015

Vacation in in Central Maine

 Well despite all that is going on the family has sent me off to take a breath and to close up camp for the year. I took a day a few hours to escape to a wild animal park, here is a photo of me in all my glory.

 I will follow this up with a complete set of photos and story for you, but seeing as I am limited with technology at the very minute this will have to do... Blog Soon !

Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Gene Wilder - Young Frankenstein (1974) - Puttin' on the Ritz

Puttin’ on the Ritz
 Well it has happened again fun seekers, I got up this morning and an ear worm has invaded my brain pan, it wouldn’t be bad if it was something new, current or even a classic rock tune, but NO, what is it you ask… well even if you didn’t I am going to tell you anyway.
It is Puttin’ on the Ritz, the ear worm must have triggered due to watching Mel Brook’s movie Young Frankenstein for what my wife will say was the 218th time I have seen it. I can’t help it if it’s funny it is always funny!
It has gone so far that at one point today I was on watching the video and then doing a search for different versions of the song upon which I found 6 versions of the song ending with the 1980’s Billboard’s top 100 favorite by Taco.
Today I was obsessed with it, I hope the next ear worm is just as entertaining.

Sunday, September 13, 2015

Breakfast at camp

No really roughing it when you have your own portable pizza oven. Breakfast pizza in the woods

Monday, August 31, 2015

One small step for me one giant leap for blogger kind!

So early I posted a blog entry via my phone app, this is a major move in my technology evolution, although it is like watching a chicken trying to text, amusing, but gets old fast.

I do think I will continue to use the Blogger App to post short entries or just a photo update on a topic, but I will stick to the desk top or lap top for most of my posts, I have fat fingers and it is easier for me to function and multitask with a keyboard.

I see my nephew and niece using the apps like it is nothing, I guess it is just a case of what you grew up with it is their used to, however I have noticed the trend in phones is the size is getting bigger again, I am sure that is due to the all-in-one use of technology mentality.
Jump on the band wagon or get left behind as in everything, we must evolve.
Until next time . . .

Thursday, August 27, 2015


 So one of the first times using the Blogger App and my mobile to post much like the real cool fungus I saw today we must evolve. . . Follow. Up on the app use shortly.

Sunday, August 23, 2015

Evolution of life: Childlike, but not child

  I have not written in a while, it’s not for a lack of things to say, just had other things to deal with. That being said when the hell did we become adults and have to step up and act the norm? I just recently realized I am not the child I remembered and thought I was, although if you ask friends and family I am sure they will disagree with the part that I act normal or like an adult (one penguin suit and everyone judges).

   When did you notice you grew up and I don’t mean because you can vote, carry a gun, buy alcohol, shave your own face or legs in some cases (what can I say I have fabulous legs). At what point can you remember the first time you made an actual adult decision that impacted your life or someone else’s.

   I cannot pin point mine I guess life just made me evolve, good thing too because that prehensile tail would make it difficult using the toilet not to mention square wheels get stuck a lot. 

   I can’t say I miss being a child because I still think I am still a child at heart, with the comments I make and some of the things I do I am still childlike and maybe that is the secret to a better life, as Sidney Friedman once said “Boys and girls, sometimes you have to take off your pants and slide on the ice” (M*A*S*H reference) 
   So what is this entry about you ask (and even if you didn’t it’s my blog and you’re not the boss of me), Go forth and do something childlike and see how it makes you feel, don’t resign yourself to; work – home – bills – bed & work all over again even if it is only once this week do something you used to love to, do something less adult, Bumper cars, Beach, feed the ducks, stand at a window and make faces at the family (just make sure it’s your family or that will bring on a whole new look at being and adult and a police warning…trust me).

Until next time fun seekers

Relax and recharge

Coffee by a camp fire, very nice to start the morning