Wednesday, July 30, 2014

The Photo Dump July 2014

The Photo Dump
I take a lot of photos; it is sort of a hobby, I not a pro by any means. I use a Fuji 14 mega pixel camera with a 30x zoom, it is just a standard digital camera nothing special to it but it is fun and I get some nice shots on occasion.
 Every month I empty the camera and dump it into my computer and then post the better ones on my blog to share. So without any more typing here are the “Photo dump” winners for July 2014.
Comments on photos are always welcome as well as any suggestion on camera techniques or camera settings. Feel free to post any photos you would like to share with me as well or share with me your blog where you post your photos.
Thanks for looking shutter-bugs
 See you next month at the dump.

Friday, July 25, 2014

The Wrath of Thursday!!!

Ever have one of those days when everything just hits right on queue?

 You are driving someplace and your favorite song comes on the radio and you get to hear the whole song just as you pull up to your destination, or it seems like you have a bottomless cup of coffee. And then when you get to work that one task that has a deadline that you despise doing or you have a difficult time doing it, has been done for you or cancelled.

 Well guess what that is not how my day started …  I hear one of my favorite songs and then I get to work before it ends, so I sit there listening to the end of the song and some knocks on my window and wants to chat. Then I get into work and 3 things are on my desk that needs to be done by 10 AM, 2 of them are not even my job. Then as I go to drink my coffee, my cup alas was empty

 I then went on to rip my shirt on the desk, broke a shoe lace, knocked a plant over and tripped on my broken shoe lace and then the topper for the morning was a paper cut!


 I felt like throwing my hands in the air and screaming KHAN!!!

 The day did have its high point I went home and broke the lawn mower. Tomorrow will be better I do not have too many days like this one.

Have a Great weekend all


Monday, July 21, 2014

National Junk Food Day

I was sitting here wondering what wise comments or intuitive thought I could pass along to bloggers today and almost said I will skip it and then I remembered a not widely known Holiday called National junk food day.

For most of us, just about every day is Junk Food Day. For the rest of you out there, National Junk Food Day is a great opportunity to guiltlessly eat your, Ring dings, Ho-Ho’s, Potato chips and all your other favorite junk food.

Dietitians will tell you that junk food is any food that contains little nutritional value. We also include foods that are high in salts, fats, and sugars. In other words, junk food is all that tasty stuff that the dietitians, and your parents, say is bad for us. Junk food is the food dreams are made of, flaky cakes and strawberry shortcakes, cream filled goodies that make you drool just thinking about them… The food that makes you feel like a kid all over again.

On Junk Food Day, you get to eat anything you want. Eat any amounts that you want, too. Tomorrow, however, it's back to a healthy diet, Your Folks and spouses mocking and perhaps a stomach ache or in some cases a diabetic coma and insulin shot...  I never said Junk Food Day was safe or didn’t have any ramifications.

How did National Junk Food Day originate you ask? Well, fact checkers and inquisitive know it alls were looking for information on what is and what isn't junk food. They found no information on the origin of this day. It was most likely created by a diet conscious individual or group who desired to eat junk food, without guilt, at least one day a year. I refer to them as Food Nazis

Now as some of you may know, that creating an official “National" day requires an Act of Congress. Something the inquisitive minds did not find any records of. While Congress may be accused of going on occasional junkets, I firmly believe they would not support a Nation day of junk food.

 So for me and a few of my not so close friends out there July 21st will always be a quiet time of binging on salty and sugary treats, I still may have to hide it from the powers that be, but dam it I am going to partake in it!

However I am compelled to post a Warning so here it is…

Please Note: Junk food may be hazardous to your health. After all, Your Doctors and Parents and spouses know what's best for you. Do so at your own risk. That risk includes those same people saying: "I told you so!"

Jump in and Join me Tell us what your favorite Junk Food is.

See you next time, Thanks for reading

Thursday, July 17, 2014

It’s complicated

Today’s blog post has been brought to you by a comment by a friend named Jessica . . . “Men are complicated”
 Life can be complicated, no strike that life is complicated, with choices of what to eat what to wear who to be friends with on face-book and only about a million other things. However I can tell you on good authority that men are not complicated.
You can beak men down into five interests:
1.   Sleep
2.   Sex
3.   food
4.   Sports
5.   TV/Movies
Although about 80% of men have only the 3 things on their minds sometimes all at one time. Men are simple creatures.
1.    Sex
2.    Food
3.    Sleep

 I used to tell this joke back when being politically correct was not a mandatory thing;
“How to impress woman: kiss her, hug her, compliment her, love her, tease her, protect her, listen to her, and support her . . . How to impress a man: Show up naked with a pizza.”
 The inside track to understanding men is to know we like to nap, find out what our favorite food is, act or be sexy (which could be anything from a saying a certain word to an outfit to just a touch), and finally if you know our favorite televisions show or movie and just say one quote from it or ask us about it, it’s like giving a dog a treat, we will be right on your heals.
 Now that is not to say that all men are the same there is about 5% variable of men that are a shade off the regular, such as the Geek, the Gay men and the anti social male, which brings you to the following way to understand them.
The Geek: Ask about his Phone, Computer or UFO’s
The Gay: Make fun of something someone is wearing or ask about his shoes.
The Anti Social: make a comment about not liking people or make a comment about being uncomfortable in public places.
 And although these 3 types of men are specific they can all also be understood using the Food, Sleep and Sex mentality.
 So I say again Life is Complicated Men are not. We are only as complicated as you want to make us, and as Jessica said “Men do have their uses on occasion”
See you next time.

Wednesday, July 9, 2014

To my friend John

What John is and has been to me and his qualifications as a friend.
My conscience.
My confidante.
My cigar buddy.
My A.D.D. interpreter.
Food taster.
Automotive adviser and tire expert
Relationship counselor
My movie quote buddy
Spell Checker and Grammar coach.
My critic
Roulette partner
Fashion police
Keno mentor
My Dyslexic interpreter
My Christmas shopping buddy
My Area 51 body heat companion
My Graham Norton Viewing comrade.
So I guess you can say John is the pain in my ass and I would not change a thing except to have him knighted so that I could call him a Royal pain in the ass!

 Thanks John, See you soon.

Tuesday, July 8, 2014

The Cosmic Mish Mash: With beans or without?

The Cosmic Mish Mash: With beans or without?: Keeping with the title of this blog “The Cosmic Mish-Mash” this week we take a look the wonderful world of chili.   That’s correct ...

With beans or without?

Keeping with the title of this blog “The Cosmic Mish-Mash” this week we take a look the wonderful world of chili.

 That’s correct fun seekers chili, do you like caned or fresh, and do you like it with beans or without, beef, pork chicken turkey or venison, what is your preference for meat? Or is it a vegetarian chili you’ll be after; In that case kidney beans or Lima? Lentils need not apply.

 I myself have no particular favorite and try most anything in front of me which could be the reason my pants do not fit like they should, but that is a different story for a different time.