Puttin’ on the Ritz
Well it has happened again fun seekers, I got up this morning and an ear worm has invaded my brain pan, it wouldn’t be bad if it was something new, current or even a classic rock tune, but NO, what is it you ask… well even if you didn’t I am going to tell you anyway.
It is Puttin’ on the Ritz, the ear worm must have triggered due to watching Mel Brook’s movie Young Frankenstein for what my wife will say was the 218th time I have seen it. I can’t help it if it’s funny it is always funny!
It has gone so far that at one point today I was on youtube.com watching the video and then doing a search for different versions of the song upon which I found 6 versions of the song ending with the 1980’s Billboard’s top 100 favorite by Taco.
Today I was obsessed with it, I hope the next ear worm is just as entertaining.